Anthony Maida

Anthony Maida

Company: Oncotelic Therapeutics

Job title: Chief Clinical Officer - Translational Mediicine


Roundtable Discussion: Examining the Patient Response During Trials to Prove the Clinical Benefit & Improve Patient Selection 2:30 pm

Scrutinizing patient response throughout treatment by following TGF-β biomarkers to improve later clinical selection Assessing the tumor microenvironment pre- and post-TGF-β targeted therapies to prove clinical efficacy Employing biomarkers to find clinical efficacy of TGF-β directed therapiesRead more

day: Conference Day One

Designing the Most Effective Clinical Trials for TGF-β Targeted Therapies Toward Clinical Efficacy 9:01 am

Taking the TGF-β targeted therapies to the clinic has proven difficult to show efficacy. In the light of clinical failures such as bintrafusp alfa, this workshop will deep dive into the best clinical trial design by reviewing the data and overcoming the bottlenecks to help lead the most efficacious TGF-β targeted therapies towards clincial success.…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Day

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