Pre-Conference Day | Tuesday, October 15

8:30 am Morning Check In & Coffee

9:00 am – 12.00 pm Workshop A

Designing the Most Effective Clinical Trials for TGF-β Targeted Therapies Toward Clinical Efficacy

  • Anthony Maida Chief Clinical Officer - Translational Mediicine, Oncotelic Therapeutics
  • Anthony Conley Associate Professor, MD Anderson Cancer Center


Taking the TGF-β targeted therapies to the clinic has proven difficult to show efficacy. In the light of clinical failures such as bintrafusp alfa, this workshop will deep dive into the best clinical trial design by reviewing the data and overcoming the bottlenecks to help lead the most efficacious TGF-β targeted therapies towards clincial success.

This workshop will cover:

  • What is the best conduct and formulation of clinical trials for TGF-β targeted drugs?
  • How do you identify the right patients to enroll in clinical trials?
  • What challenges need to be overcome to improve for future clinical trial design?

1:00 pm – 4.00 pm Workshop B

Avoiding the Pitfalls in Targeting TGF-β to Achieve Better Specificity, Reduced Toxicity & More Effective Treatments


The pleiotropic nature of TGF-β means that this cytokine is involved in numerous mechanisms and pathways. As a result, non-specific targeting can lead to severe side effects and toxicities. This workshop aims to gain a more complete understanding of the TGF-β pathways that can help explain and avoid unintended toxicities in therapies, with a broader look into TGF-β family members that could also help find new targets.

This workshop will cover:

  • What are all the pathways and mechanisms of pleiotropic TGF-β?
  • How can we avoid the unintended toxicities in organs that are responsive to changes in TGF-β signaling?
  • What are the other TGF-β family members that are unintentionally targeted?